2012年12月20日 星期四




谷歌首頁非常好用,但有時可能也有點無聊。何不讓它像狗狗一樣聽從指令?鍵入「askew」(歪斜)用歪斜角度看頁面,或是叫它「do a barrel roll」(滾筒式翻轉),然後等待頁面順從地為你轉一圈。








(Technology) Have Fun with Google Easter Eggs


Just like how Easter eggs are hidden for children to find on Easter Sunday, Google has hidden surprises in their services and products for the inquisitive computer users to find. These are some of the Google Easter eggs people have found and enjoyed.


The Google homepage is very useful, but it can get boring. Why not make it follow orders like a dog? Type in askew to view it at an angle or tell it to do a barrel roll and wait for the webpage to obediently roll over for you.


If that failed to impress you, why not play with the homepage? Entering Google gravity in the search box and pressing the Im feeling lucky box will make everything fall to the bottom of the screen. Continue searching for items on the internet and your results will also drop downwards because of... gravity.


Do you want to play a game at work? Type in zerg rush and your search results page will be attacked by falling red and yellow Google os. Shoot them by clicking on them to defend your webpage or else be conquered by Google.


Just a note to those who would like to try these out, these will only work on newer web browsers like Firefox and Google Chrome. Please make sure that the English Google homepage (www. google.com) and not the Chinese version is accessed.

